HIMEZAWA – Spades & Stars

Shooting for the stars… With her debut album Spades & Stars just released, Himezawa has had an opportunity to reflect on her fortunes since relocating to Japan several years back. The German-born musician, model, author and performer had started her … Read More


Punk power trio deliver mutant moments… Originally formed in 2008 by sisters Be and Meana during their first year of high school, MUTANT MONSTER initially found inspiration from punk rock – particularly classic UK bands such as The Clash, The … Read More

B.O.O. Interview

Idol pop duo offer a bridge between J-Pop and western styles… The world of idol pop is peppered with a broad range of solo artists and large group outfits all competing for attention in the Japanese domestic market. BOO is … Read More

TORIENA Interview

The 8-Bit brilliance of one of Japan’s rising chiptune stars… The world of chiptune and 8-bit electronic music has been a compelling niche area for grassroots musicians for a number of years. One of the rising stars of this scene … Read More


It’s idol pop go with MoCali… Idol outfit Moso Calibration emerged from the Dear Stage stable (home of Dempagumi.inc) in 2013. Currently a 5-piece group, MoCali have built up a respectable fanbase on the back of tunes such as ‘Chichin … Read More

REOL Interview

Hyper pop tunes from J-Pop trio… 3-piece outfit REOL have established themselves through a series of energetic compositions, including ‘ChiruChiru’, ‘YoiYoi Kokon’ and ’Give Me Break Stop Now’. Consisting of Reol, GigaP and Okiku. Signed to the Toy’s Factory label, … Read More

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